Tuesday 26 November 2013

Aim & Objective by(Chong Teak Wei)
-To let the viewer interested on Malaysia current issue and local news.
-To let the viewer get the new perspective of every stuff, bring up sense of art.
-To let the more people know about the interactive art.
-To make the art simple and get closer to the people.
-To make the art alive.
We are trying to make the art simple and fool.
It is because more and more people think that art is a very subjective. Most of the people have no idea to appreciate art. Most of them think that the artwork is all about the artist himself. Besides that, when we mention about art, they we will think that art is about painting, drawing and sculpture. They never know that art is not only about the aesthetic.
“Art as art”- Ad Reinhardt
Art can be very specific. But for us, in this era, people are opened their mind and receiving information every second. So art has to be one of it. Art can be anywhere. Art can be anything.
By this artwork we hope that we can attract more people to involve with us and the industry of new media art. And let them to get a new perspective to appreciate the art.

Art is one of the ways to express our idea. Artists spoke out their thought by an art piece. We are doing it too. We are using this artwork to deliver a message to the people. We are going to talk about current situation of Malaysia, our country. We are the young generation, in the age of building our mind and own opinion. We are trying to spoke out by our own way. But it is not about ourselves but the people all around us.
We believe that art has to become more and more popular, everyone can understand art, and yet create art. So we are choosing some very daily stuff as our material of artwork. Make it simple and yet let the viewer feel familiar to it.
Besides that, we were inspired by and very famous interactive artist, which is Daniel Rozin. He created lots of inspiring artwork by just a simple stuff, like small wooden or even trash. He made the non-reflective object reflective. 
For us, we are not inspired by the way he done his work, but the idea behind. We wonder how he get the idea of his artwork. The materials are just around us everything. We believe that art is always around us, just depending on how we look at it. 
Art is not only painting, art is everything.

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